What i have learned from my wife
- I had been a fashion disaster all my life before marriage. Even after 5 years of marriage, I am still arguing about this fact by quoting various instances of fan-following at various stages of my life. I fail to understand as to why she fails to understand that pieces of thread hanging from the bottom of my worn out jeans are a fashion statement and not something befitting a pauper! Because of this, i am used to getting a "dressing down" every morning.
- The living room couch/sofa should always be in showroom condition. Well, when i sit on the sofa, all parts of my body stretch out in different directions with the leg sometimes (ok, almost always) ending up on the hand rest. Cmon, this is my house, my sofa. I should be allowed to be comfortable on it, not sit like a junior employee in a board room meeting with just the edge on the butt placed on the seat! Another point i always raise is the fact that we are not going to get any visitors at midnight. If so, why should i take the effort to set right the sofa and the cushions on them when i go to bed at night after watching TV.
- I am supposed to follow the Six Sigma Methodology in my daily life i.e make only 3.4 mistakes in a million tasks. But she doesn't realise the mental stress that goes into planning so many tasks like folding up the clothes i am wearing before going to bathe or hanging the towel in a proper place after bath and not just leave it on the bed. Motorola employees do much simpler tasks, so it is easy for them to follow this methodology, not me!
- Wash my face every 15.3 minutes to always remain fresh. I know whether i am feeling fresh or not. How can she decide that I am not feeling fresh and force me to have a face-wash. I go to the extent of even doing some acrobatic exercises to prove to her that in spite of the fact that my face might look like i have just gotten out of bed, I am feeling fresh and fit!
- Finally, Vidhya was the one who suggested to write about "What i learned from my wife" for this writing project on Middle Zone Musings. So, she finally makes a decision which she is going to regret about :-)
Update: Here is the complete list of entries, each one finishing the phrase “What I Learned From…”
“… Teen Girl Squad”, by Markk at My Opinions Are Important
“… the Mt. Pinatubo Eruption”, by Ronald Huerca at Ronalfy.com
“… Drugs”, by Sam Brougher at Forest Azuaran
“… a Mesquite Tree”, by Mike DeWitt at Spooky Action
“… Drinking Starbucks Coffee”, by George Manty at Can I Make Big Money Online
“… My Wife!”, by Rajaram Sethuraman at Thoughts of a Rambler
“… Having a Daughter”, by Marco Richter at FitForFreedom
“… Norm”, by Joe Raasch at The Happy Burro
“… my mentors”, by Karin H. at The Kiss Business Too
“… Procrastinating”, by Yvonne Russell at Grow Your Writing Business
“… a Squirrel”, by G.L. Hoffman at What Would Dad Say
“… Blogging”, by Gayla McCord at Mom Gadget
“… a Weight Problem”, by Monique Attinger at Insurance Guide 101
“… Taking Out the Garbage”, by Michael Chantrel at Mortgage Guide 101 Blog
“… RUMMAGING!” by William Tully at LOGICal eMOTIONs
“… A Light Switch”, by Robert Hruzek at Middle Zone Musings
Technorati Tags: Middle Zone Musings Writing project Blog Wife
Rajaram, great entry! I have a few comments, though:
1. Being confused is often an advantage while visiting the Middle Zone. No worries, my friend.
2. There's a "u" in color? Trust the English to add letters where they're not really needed. :-D
3. I feel for you about the fashion sense; been there!
4. Regarding your wife's reaction: I hope you survive this post! It would be a shame to lose you after just meeting you!
Thanks for participating!
You wash your face every 15.3 minutes? That is *very* precise.
This is a great entry. Good to see you both have a great sense of humour (note the "u") - compliments of an Aussie ;). We also use the British spelling.
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