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Thursday, February 23, 2006

One Flu over the bird's nest

Not the right time for a remake of the famous film "One Flew over the cuckoo's nest", i guess. In the typical grammatically incorrect way our politicians answer questions, the question on everyone's minds or rather, the answer on everyone's lips is whether the bird flew or not?
As someone proverbially said "Every dark cloud has a silver lining". The silver lining or the juciy filling in this case is that the price of Broiler Chicken, Boiled Chicken, Oiled Chicken and all the other avatars has gone down so steeply, that few smart individuals have moved from being non-vegetarians to being chickenarians.

Their staple diet has changed as follows:
Breakfast : Chicken Wings (a light breakfast) with Chicken soup
Lunch : Tandoori Chicken, Chicken Sag and Butter Chicken with Chick Peas (In the haste of things, some don't realise the truth abt chick peas)
Evening Snacks : Chi'c'kkies (In the haste of ....)
Dinner: Chicken Tikka Masala (India's best contribution to the world), Chicken Korma and Chicken Biryani

Being a vegetarian, I have always wondered abt why people make such a big deal about chicks !!

There are also people who have opted to go in the other direction. People are abstaining from anything non-vegetarian from the belief that if the bird flu, the there is a better probability of it landing on top of a cow or a sheep or a lamb rather than the next-door tomato or brinjal plant. Moreover, their logic is even more strengthened by the fact that a bird can't "flu" into the ground there-by making all the "root vegetables" safe for consumption.

Anyway, here's something for the chickens ...



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