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Introducing Akshara

Akshara Rajaram was born on August 23rd 2008. As every dutiful father would do, I have started a website exclusively for her at

Cyprus Travel Blog

The Blog is the one-stop website for all Cyprus related travel information!! Adventures, events, sites to visit, photographs and much much more!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Earning Money from google ads through adsense

Another month has gone by after implementing good adsense on my blog and the news can't get any better. I started off with adsense in November and i had posted my huge earnings from adsense for that month.
This month, the increase in earnings has been phenomenal. I have earned 236,023.47 ROL (Romanian Lei). The figure 236,023.47 is indeed huge. I expected to break the million barrier this month, but did not. Although a quarter of a million is something i can't complain about. For those not from the european continent (eg: americans) who do not know about the existence of a country called Romania, the figure above transtaltes to 9.27 USD. Its almost a 500% jump from the 1.6 USD last month.

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