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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I am the TIME person of the year 2006

When i visited the Time Person of the Year page, i was surprised to find that i had got the honour of being the Time person of the year 2006 :-)
In fact, you are also the TIME person of the year, so is the person sitting in the next cubicle at work or in the browsing center, uploading videos of his college parties to youtube or sharing the photos of his pet Burmese python with the world.
It is you, who, the first thing in the morning, visits or technorati to find out the hottest and the happening events. It is you, who uploads 100 blurred photographs you have taken with your first digital camera onto yahoo and sends the link to thousands of people on mailing groups having absolutely nothing to do with photography. It is you, who videotapes a song from the just-released-in-the-theatre movie using your mobile phone and uploads it to metacafe or google-video for the world to enjoy.
My version of the TIME person of the year presentation appearing on the original page.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am really proud of you Rajaram

Keep the blogging up.. and proceed.

10:18 AM  

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