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Friday, December 08, 2006

A new concept in Search Engines

If you have heard that "getting personal" is the motto behind some companies who deal with customers and really doubted its meaning, then look at this company. This company took the meaning literally. Check out the new kid on the block, a new search engine
When you search for anything on this site, you can choose the "Search with Guide" option and you will be transferred to a page which looks like a chatroom. Here, a guide, a real person, a human, not a robot, comes to chat and help you with the search.

According to,
ChaCha is a great new search engine that recently launched with an interesting new feature - Search with a Live Guide. ChaCha instantly connects you with a live person with knowledge in your search topic. You can also choose instant search results on ChaCha and receive the best results that have been hand-picked by thousands of ChaCha guides.When your query is submitted it is sent to a Guide who is knowledgeable in the topic you're searching. By searching with a Guide your query is sent to a real person who is skilled at finding information on the internet and knowledgeable on the subject at hand so that you get the few exact results you want, not the millions of results you don't.

I didn't believe this at first. Imagine someone's work is just to look at what people are searching for and then help them in getting better results. But, it was true. I went ahead and chose this option. One person called Tricia came on the chat and helped me to search for "quizzing blogs". I was very satisfied with the search because the first link Tricia returned was my quizzing blogs page :-). You can rate the guides at the end of the session and of course Tricia received 5 stars!

If you want to use how people have been playing with this search engine (I feel sorry for the guides), check out the digg page on

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Blogger Unknown said...

Thats kool stuff man - last day i got a job offer frmo a similar company that offered online assistance to CHAT. the job was for "Chat Moderators".And it was an Indian company too.

1:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:52 AM  

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