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Monday, June 12, 2006

The benefits of going digital

I have become so used to living in the digital age using digital watches, digital cameras, listening to digital soundtracks, even using a digital thermometer for checking the temperature, that I have forgotten how analog worked and how much better our lives are, now.
Sometimes, the past comes back, to haunt you, to show you that it was the one who you had admired and now disown. It did, for me too, in the form of an analog clock. Last week was busy for me, as I had to attend a wedding, which meant that I had to get up pretty early (as early as 3.30 AM).
Not many know the reason why Indian weddings are held early in the morning. Centuries ago, in India, there never existed a custom of arranged marriage. All the marriages which happened were the kind where the couple eloped from their homes and married each other. This was accepted in society, with the only restriction that the marriage should not happen in the presence of anyone else and the society should not be aware of the marriage, prior to it happening. That is why, the couples getting married, always got married in the wee hours of the morning, while the rest of the neighbourhood was asleep. Unfortunately, in modern India, even arranged marriages now follow the same routine.
So, I had to get up at 3.30 AM. I am not an insomniac, but snore enough to make vidhya one. After 4 years of marriage, vidhya has developed immunity for my snoring and manages quite a deep sleep. I needed an external help for waking up at 3.30 and where else do I look at, rather than my mobile phone with a digital alarm accurate to the second. Alas, my phone’s top two buttons were not working, thus making it only useful for Reliance’s “Lifetime incoming free” plan.
So, I borrowed an analog clock from my mom. It looked liked it had been gifted for my mom’s wedding! I kept the alarm for 3.15 AM. Had some difficulty in doing it, because I had to recollect my geometry skills to determine the position to place the alarm hand, so that it would be 3.15 AM. My mom told me that the “alarm” was actually a piece of classical music/sloga. I wondered as to how classical music could wake me up. I am used to falling asleep whenever I happen to listen to one.
Off I went to my world of dreams. Sometime later, in the middle of the action sequence I was participating in, the villain suddenly started singing a sloga! I was wondering, in my dream, whether I was in a dream listening to this sloga! Recursion, I have always been good at it! Later, it “dawned” on me that it was time for me to get up.
This is where all the trouble started. I woke up, half asleep, took the alarm clock in my hand and tried to search for the “snooze” button for that extra ten minutes of precious sleep. Alas, there wasn’t any. I had only one option, that of turning off the alarm. But, I needed that extra ten minutes, without which my entire day would be spoilt. So, I tried to move the alarm hand a further ten minutes away. Neither did I have the eyes of an owl nor did I have such a fine-tuned sense of trigonometry. So I had to get up, in the dark, find my way to the switch board(falling over at least 2 suitcases on the way), switch on the lights and then re-adjust the time on the alarm clock. By this time, the need for that extra time had gone!
Imagine the trouble I had to go through, just because the digital technology was unavailable to me. God bless the person who found the 0s and 1s.



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