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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Its been a week ..

since i posted. Been busy in writing up the Dubai Travelogue. It is still not over and hence I have not yet uploaded it. Also, been busy with some stuff related to our project event this weekend. Here, in amdocs, every team goes out for a project event every year. This year, we are going to Pelendri Village in the troodos mountains. We have rented around 20 cottages for 2 days. We have the usual dose of party games and the like. Like last year, I will be organising Bingo/Tambola and I have been busy trying to contact my contacts in Cyprus to sponsor prizes for Bingo. Until now, the going has been good. Managed to get around 110 Cyprus Pounds worth of gifts. Three more days to go, have to see how much more I can manage.


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