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Introducing Akshara

Akshara Rajaram was born on August 23rd 2008. As every dutiful father would do, I have started a website exclusively for her at

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Friday, September 05, 2008

Introducing Akshara Rajaram

If i had been missing from the blogging scene for a while, it was for a reason. The reason is the birth of my daughter Akshara on 23rd August. After her birth, she has been keeping us busy day and night. But, in the middle of all this, i did find time to start a website in her time.
By modern standards, i would have failed in my duty as a father if i hadn't done so. So, here goes, Akshara's very own personal blog called Child's Play. Do drop in there from time to time for updates and photos of Akshara!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats dude !!! kalakku ..


1:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing..

3:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


4:25 AM  

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