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Friday, June 29, 2007

Bryan Adams concert in Limassol, Cyprus

We are going to the Bryan Adams concert, supposed to be the biggest ever concert staged in Cyprus. The concert is being held tonight at the Tsirion Stadium near the Limassol Highway. This is my first ever live concert. Vidhya tells me that she is a big fan of his music and there is no way we could have missed this concert. The only time i have listened to live music was during the Rock Shows back in Pilani. I have never survived the loud music for more than 15 minutes. Lets see how this concert turns out. Hope to take some photos. If i do manage, i shall post them early next week.

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Blogger rangr said...

Great. I like his songs a lot, especially the number "everything I do" and "best of me". Its very soft compared to other bands that are around.

12:26 AM  

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