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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

End of Summer Party at Amdocs

Few weeks back, we had the End of Summer Party here in Amdocs. This party is usually scheduled around mid-September when the weather cools down a bit and all the drunken and semi-naked britishers start to leave the island. So, amdocs organises a party where all can get drunk!
This time, for a change, the party was held in a discotheque and not in a hotel. And the most surprising part, there were no belly dancers! The location was cool, with a pool in the middle. Luckily, in spite of the free flow of alcohol, no one managed to fall into the pool!
This time, we had organised a Fashion Show, done by only the managers. This was a big hit with the crowd, as the managers managed to enthrall the crowd with their antics in stage, much more than what was rehearsed! We had chosen the themes of Traditional, Formal, Casual, Sporty, Hawaiian, Hippie style and finally Men in Black. The most difficult part was to get 20 odd senior managers to come for rehearsals after office time for 3 consecutive days!
The "relatively" small discotheque location kind of forced everyone to dance and people were dancing until the wee hours of the morning. One of the best parties in amdocs i have attended until now !



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