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Friday, July 21, 2006

The Second Google Earth Quiz

The landmarks below are as seen through Google Earth. The questions for the individual pictures are alongside the pictures. This was posted on Quiznet, Qfi and few other quizzing groups, but the pictures are posted here to avoid huge email size. Click on the images to open a bigger picture. Scroll down for the answers.

1) Identify this beach. Zoom into the pic for clues
2) Identify the city in which this airport is located. If you look at the current picture of this airport, it might look totally different.
3) Identify this landmark.
4) Identify the city in which this street is.
5) Identify this stadium.

6) Identify this landmark.
7) Identify this bridge.
8) Identify this landmark.
9) What is this a part of ?
10) What was here before ?.
The answers. Highlight between the words ANS for the answer.

1) Identify this beach. Zoom into the pic for clues.
ANSAlang Beach, Gujarat, India. This is the famous ship breaking area , where ships are broken down and sold as scrap.ANS

2) Identify the city in which this airport is located. If you look at the current picture of this airport, it might look totally different.
ANSCould be identified from the context of the question. Beirut Airport, LebanonANS

3) Identify this landmark.
ANSBurj-Al-Arab, Dubai. The 7-star hotel in the shape of a ship's mastANS

4) Identify the city in which this street is.
ANSSan Francisco. This is called the crooked street and supposedly the crookedest street in the world. Driving on this street is easy, but the approach is tough.
This road goes down from the top of a hill and the approach road up is very steep and often congested because of tourist traffic and u have to be a better-than-average driver to leave a traffic signal smoothly when your car is on a steep slope!

5) Identify this stadium
ANSEden Gardens, CalcuttaANS

6) Identify this landmark.
ANSGateway of India, MumbaiANS

7) Identify this bridge
ANSHoogly Bridge, Calcutta. The colour of the river is the same in questions 5 and 7 :-)ANS

8) Identify this landmark.
ANSStatue of LibertyANS

9) What is this a part of ?
ANSPalm Jumeirah, Dubai. Palm tree shaped island resortsANS

10) What was here before ?
ANSWorld Trade CenterANS
Thanks to all those who attempted the quiz.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:53 PM  
Blogger Rajaram S said...

Mridula ..all the ones which you attempted except the 9th one are right. I have deleted your comment because people are still attempting the quiz and i didn't want the answers to be shown.

12:16 AM  
Blogger Ravi Handa said...

post the answers man.... if you dont want to post them, just email them to me at thanks

4:37 AM  
Blogger Danny said...

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10:30 AM  
Blogger Rajaram S said...

Daniel, I am sending you the answers by mail. Removed your post because the answers were present in it.

7:09 AM  
Blogger Danny said...

Amazing work.. Grrreat man...

8:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do post the answers or send it to

10:27 PM  
Blogger Kingsley Joseph said...

The street in San Francisco is called Lombard.

9:31 PM  
Blogger Rajaram S said...

thanks Kingsley for the info. As far as tourists are concerned, this is referred to as the crooked street :-) and when i was in san francisco, I was driving to find this street and I got help from ppl when referring to it as the crooked street !
thx for the info though

11:56 PM  

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