Donations to a Gym
I started going to a gym 3 days back. This is actually my second attempt at going to a gym. The first attempt was four years back, when i had just come to Cyprus. It was the "in-thing" then to go to a gym. But, what everyone didn't tell was that lasting beyond the initial few days was definitely not the norm !
I took a 3-month subscription and went to the gym for exactly 3 weeks. I was a hero. I had gone longer than most of the guys who had joined with me. There are guys here working with me, for whom the only visit to the gym has been on the first day to pay the subscription ! Nowadays, it is widely agreed that your stay in Cyprus is incomplete, if you haven't donated to a gym. It is because of people like us that the gyms here are able to afford expensive modern equipment for the benefit of the locals. No wonder, we get a royal welcome whenever we approach a gym asking for subscription details.
I think, I have cracked the reason for this. The trainers at the gyms here chalk out a routine for you on the first day and when they introduce you to the various exercising stuff, they say "We usually start off with the minimum weight, but looking at you, i guess you can manage more". What this does is boost your confidence to unmanageable levels. So, at the end of the first day, you go back home and check yourself out in the mirror and say "looks like my abs have started developing already..". This is enough to keep you in bed the next morning!!
I have become wiser now and taken only a 1 month subscription. Its been three days and looks like my abs have already started developing ....
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